Peripheral is the fork that stands in the throat of every novice Linux user, a fact that is not a reason but they are afraid to use it and this fear has completely avoided them so that they do not know, and they do not know they left an important aspect of the Linux aspects of operating systems to another, A terminal is a black screen where you type a few commands and then print the results of that command on the screen
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Top 10 Important Linux Terminal Commands For Beginers |
Terminal is an interface like graphical interfaces, but it relies on commands completely. This is called the command line. You can browse through folders, edit files and download from the Internet and more. Believe it or not. You can surf the Internet through the terminal too! So this topic today on the blog has been written for you specifically to know Top 10 Important Linux Terminal Commands For Beginers.
Note: Terminal commands are case-sensitive, meaning that uppercase letters are different from lowercase letters. Cd is different from cd, and by the way, there is no command called Cd, but the cd command exists.
Terminal orders are too many and can not be found in one article or even 10 articles. Today i will mention some of the commands you need as a beginner and we will continue to explain many important commands in upcoming articles.1. cd :cd is a shortcut to the word (change directory), which is most commonly used in Linux, the cd command is used to move between folders in the terminal.
The command uses the following: cd / name / of / directory
With the name of directory replaced with the name of the folder you want to go to.
You can use the command: cd to move to the previous folder. If we write now .. cd and we are in the Downloads folder, we will move to the Home folder.
2. pwd : This is the print job directory. This is what it does to print the full path that leads to the current folder. This saves lives for beginners who are lost among many Linux folders. The structure of the file system in Linux is slightly different from Windows. If we have completed our example above and used the command pwd
It will print our current location, the upload file which is located in the path shown in the image.
3. Sudo : Always ask every novice about what it is seen in most of the commands that are stuck in the terminal to download programs or even modify some of the system files, sudo command is a shortcut (super user do) and its function that allows the average user to apply some commands with root permissions, What you can not install as a normal user is to install it using root privileges:
It is not recommended to use the sudo command in normal terminal tasks, so use it only for the commands you are requesting, because abuse can cause damage to your system.
4. mkdir : The Make directory is responsible for creating a new folder with a new name, and if the folder already exists, you will receive the following error message: "can not create folder, folder already exists".
5. touch : This command is used to create files or to update the modified time of the files if the name of the file that follows the command already exists.
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6. Cat : This is simple and important as it is used to display the contents of a particular file.
7. cp : It is a copy and I think you now know its usefulness. It is used to copy files from one location to another.
It is used as follows:
cp / path / of / your / file / new / path
With / path / of / your / file replacing the current file location and / new / path with the new location.
Note: To copy the folders using the cp command, you must use it with the given r, so "cp -r"
8. mv : It is a shortcut (move) is used to transfer files from one site to another and how to use it is similar to the use of the cp command is:
mv / path / of / your / file / new / path
You can use the mv command to rename the files by moving them to their current location but with a different name and to rename the IHaveTech folder that we created in a previous step and name it ihavetech we will use the command:
mv ihavetech / IHaveTech
9. history : This command shows you a numbered list of commands you have typed in Terminal Services since they were used.
10. ls : It shows List Directory Contents and its function is to print the contents of the current folder to complete our example of the uploads folder.
When using the given t with ls (the command is used in this image "ls -t" where the command separates the given space and -) will print the contents of the file according to the time of the modifications that occurred to them. The command will print the hidden files.
You can see all the data by reading the ls directory using the following command: man ls