Top 5 Linux OS Commonly Used by Ethical Hackers

Have you ever wondered what your favorite hacks operating systems are? In this article, a list of the top 5 operating systems that are used in piracy crimes. In the world of the Internet, there are many hacking attacks that occur day by day and carried out by a few hackers and some professionals and novices who rely on some tricks and tricks of penetration. These systems contain a large number of tools and programs specializing in hacking and ethical hacking tests used by hackers for hacking.

Have you ever wondered what your favorite hacks operating systems are? 

In this article, a list of the top 5 operating systems that are used in piracy crimes. In the world of the Internet, there are many hacking attacks that occur day by day and carried out by a few hackers and some professionals and novices who rely on some tricks and tricks of penetration.

Hacker OS (ihavetech)

These systems contain a large number of tools and programs specializing in hacking and ethical hacking tests used by hackers for hacking. The list comes at the top of this Kali Linux list which contains tools for almost all types of hacking and is completely free. All operating systems are based on Linux kernel, we all know the reason behind this fact, that Linux is free and open source.

Also read : How Can You Became Ethical Hacker | Know your Abilities

 1. Kali Linux is undoubtedly one of the most popular operating systems used by hackers in hacking tests and many security uses. It is built on Linux and gives you privacy and security, which are weaknesses in other operating systems. So you must have an operating system like this on your computer.

2. BackBox back-Box is a Linux distro based mostly on Ubuntu. Has been developed to conduct penetration tests and security assessments. The Back Box is a light operating system that requires less hardware. Designed to be fast and easy to use with minimal desktop environment, due to its software repositories, it is periodically updated to the latest stable version of the most widely used and most popular ethical hacking tools.

3. Parrot-Security Forensic OS ParrotSecurity is a GNU-based Linux distro based on the Debian operating system system. Created for use to conduct penetration tests. This operating system has been developed by the Frozenbox group.

4. Samurai Web Security Framework is a Linux environment that has been configured as a live disk to be used for hacking tests on the web. CD contains one of the best open source and free tools targeted at site penetration tests, we can choose the tools we use to test our security.

5. Live Hacking OS This system also is based on Linux, you know why. Is a large suite of tools used to test hacking and hacking. Contains GNOME GUI. A second option is available and is a command line, requiring minimal hardware requirements.

This is a list of Top 5  Linux  Operating System used by Hackers. Do not forget to share your opinion in the comments section and also join us on the social networking sites to stay connected with us.

Also read : Top 6 Ways To Earn Money From Internet Without Investment

About the Author

I am Avnish Kumar owner of this blog. I like to write tech article. As being a student, managing this site, writing tech articles it is little bit difficult as there is no enough time.


  1. If you ment to sey Kids that try to hack instead of HACKERS, then this post is quite right. Reald world hackers using all of aviable operating systems through virtual machines...
    1. Thanks, i will try to post some advance level commands.
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